Assessment of the Newcomen engine’s development potential as heat engine for low temperature waste heat

Assessment of the Newcomen engine’s
development potential as heat engine for low temperature waste heat

In addition to researching the history of "fire machines", we are also working on their thermodynamic analyses. In collaboration with Dr. Gerald Μüller from the University of Southampton, we are investigating the Newcomen engine to assess its potential. This engine is usually neglected because of its low efficiency, but its simplicity and the use of water as the working fluid, together with the use of low temperature waste heat, has initiated the idea of developing the concept of a new internal condensation. This engine would have similar or better efficiency than competitive technologies whilst being simpler and therefore more cost-effective.

The article was published in the Journal of Power and Energy in May 2023.

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International Conference Early Steam Engines in Central European Mining 

From October 7 to October 8, 2022, the International Conference 'Early Steam Engines in Central European Mining' was held in the premises of the Old Castle in Banská Štiavnica.

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